Post 5: "My future job".
Hello I hope you are well, today I will talk about the job I would like to have in the future. The truth is that I would like to have a job as a geographer since that is what I am studying, I would like to work in the area of physical geography, where I travel and spend a lot of time outdoors studying and analyzing. However, I would prefer a thousand times more to have my own company or an undertaking where I can manage my time and be at home, where the salary is enough to live peacefully, where the hours are not office hours, and where I can decide when and where to travel. This idea is something that we have in mind with my partner since we both enjoy each other´s company and being able to be in our home together, we also like this idea since in the future if we have children we would like a full-time parenting without a office hours that make it difficult. We want to achieve it for a more relaxed lifestyle, to be able to live and enjoy life, we are already in ...