
Mostrando entradas de noviembre, 2021

Post 8: "English language challenges".

 Hello good afternoon, I hope you are well. Today in our last blog I will write about the challenges of the english language.  I will start by saying that I am not good at english at all, I have never been, it is very difficult for me to learn this language and it has never been easy for me. So in the university it has been just as difficult as since college, maybe you see a little less to be a little more didactic and not only with written and oral tests as it is in school normally.  For example, the use of blogs seems to me a very good way to learn in addition to something very entertaining to meet your colleagues, unfortunately I only play in the last english, english four.  In my opinion, the biggest flaw I have in english is the lack of verbs and vocabulary, which can be improved by reading and watching movies in english, which I am doing more often.  On the other hand, the truth of things I do not use english much in my life but sometimes whit my partner w...

Post 7: " Changes to my study programme".

 Hello hoping you are well, today I come to write about some changes in my study program. The truth is that I had never questioned or thought about the study program of my career (geography), I don´t know much about this but I will try.  In the first place, in my opinion, in matters of subjects, I believe that the career has the corresponding subjects, perhaps you could eliminate epistemology of geography and pass the most important thing in human geography, but the truth is not so relevant.  Second, I think about the scarce use of technology in teaching that we have, however it is needed a lot throughout the profession.  Third, the duration of the degree is correct in my opinion since on average all university degrees last 5 years, the years that geography lasts.  Fourth, the academic load in my opinion is too bearable and friendly compared to careers such as architecture, medicine, law, etc.  Now, in fifth place, in terms of facilities, I believe that the...

Post 6: "Time travel to the future".

 Hello, I hope you are well. Today I come to write about time travel to the future.  To start with me personally I would like to go into my life in ten years, I mean at 33 years old, since I could see if I could start a family, see if I managed to have a good life, a good job, see how my family is and so on to know if I am missing someone so that later I can take advantage of it more in the present.  On the other hand, I would not like to stay in the future since I like to live in the present, also if I returned to the present I would have the opportunity to change some things that I should improve and have a better future, also if I stayed in the future I could not take advantage of all those years to my family and my puppy.  Although on the other hand, the thruth is not so sure that I want to travel to the future, I am afraid to find something that I do not like or something that may hurt, I also think that if I saw a good future maybe I would relax in the present ...