Post 7: " Changes to my study programme".

 Hello hoping you are well, today I come to write about some changes in my study program. The truth is that I had never questioned or thought about the study program of my career (geography), I don´t know much about this but I will try. 

In the first place, in my opinion, in matters of subjects, I believe that the career has the corresponding subjects, perhaps you could eliminate epistemology of geography and pass the most important thing in human geography, but the truth is not so relevant. 

Second, I think about the scarce use of technology in teaching that we have, however it is needed a lot throughout the profession. 

Third, the duration of the degree is correct in my opinion since on average all university degrees last 5 years, the years that geography lasts. 

Fourth, the academic load in my opinion is too bearable and friendly compared to careers such as architecture, medicine, law, etc. 

Now, in fifth place, in terms of facilities, I believe that the FAU needs more green areas, areas where one can sit, in addition to missing a larger space to have lunch since the cafeteria is too small for the number of students there are. 

On the other hand, thinking about the online modality, I think that the school has failed a lot, initially with the lack of protocols and lack of empathy with the students and teachers, the methodologies have not been the best, the beginning of the fields has been delayed among many other things, but in the same way, positive advances are seen, such as the weeks of recess.  


  1. I agree with you, I also think that the academic load in career such as architecture is more difficult to bare than others careers.

  2. The lack of protocols was noticed too much, especially at the beginning of the pandemic, although it has improved, I think it has not been completely solved

  3. The university needs to improve its infrastructure, and you are absolutely right when you say that it lacks green spaces and a good swimming pool. It would be very nice to be able to lie down on the grass to rest during breaks, in this way they will occupy in a better way the places that are practically abandoned.

  4. Pia, your observations are very orderly and that makes me understand roughly how your career is taking, also, about your opinion about green areas makes me imagine what the environment is like at FAU, without so many green areas, I hope we can return soon, greetings!

  5. you have all reason in comparation with other careers like architecture,Geography is more organized and and their times are better distributed. Is fine you think you are comfortable with your actually state.

  6. yes the online clasess aren't very emphatetic with all of us

  7. I think the same as you, the size of the cafeteria seems like a joke considering the number of students studying at FAU


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